
“The Fascinating Life of Georgia Carroll: From Big Band Singer to Hollywood Starlet” 

 March 15, 2023

The Fascinating Life of Georgia Carroll: From Big Band Singer to Hollywood Starlet

Georgia Carroll was an American singer, actress, and model, who captured the hearts of millions of people with her captivating voice and stunning looks. She began her career as a singer in the big band era, performing with some of the most famous bands of the time. Later, she transitioned into acting, starring in several movies and TV shows. In this blog post, we will dive into the fascinating life of Georgia Carroll and explore her journey from a big band singer to a Hollywood starlet.

Early Life and Music Career

Georgia Carroll was born on November 18, 1919, in Blooming Grove, Texas. Her parents were both musicians, and she grew up surrounded by music. She started singing at a young age and quickly developed a passion for the art. In 1936, she joined the Kay Kyser Orchestra and soon became one of the most popular singers of the band. She recorded several hits with the orchestra, including ‘Three Little Fishes’, which became a massive success.

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The Transition to Acting

In the late 1940s, Georgia Carroll decided to transition into acting. She got her big break when she was offered the lead role in the movie ‘The Fabulous Texan’. Although the film received mixed reviews, Georgia’s performance was praised, and it opened doors for her in the Hollywood industry. She went on to star in several movies, including ‘The Unfinished Dance,’ ‘Gildersleeve on Broadway,’ and ‘Murder, He Says.’

Personal Life

Georgia Carroll married the popular bandleader Kay Kyser in 1944. They had three children together and were considered one of the most beautiful couples of the time. However, their marriage was not without its struggles. In 1951, they divorced, citing irreconcilable differences. Georgia later married the actor and producer, John Morgan, with whom she remained married for over 50 years until John’s death in 2004.

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Legacy and Achievements

Georgia Carroll’s contribution to the music and film industries can never be overstated. She was an artist with extraordinary talent and beauty. Georgia’s musical career spanned over a decade, during which she recorded some of the most popular hits of the time. Her transition to acting was smooth, and she starred in several movies and TV shows.


Q1. What was Georgia Carroll’s most popular song with the Kay Kyser Orchestra?
A1. Georgia Carroll’s most popular song with the Kay Kyser Orchestra was ‘Three Little Fishes’.

Q2. What was the name of the movie that gave Georgia Carroll her big break?
A2. The name of the movie that gave Georgia Carroll her big break was ‘The Fabulous Texan’.

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Q3. How many children did Georgia Carroll have with Kay Kyser?
A3. Georgia Carroll had three children with Kay Kyser.

Q4. How long was Georgia Carroll married to John Morgan?
A4. Georgia Carroll was married to John Morgan for over 50 years until his death in 2004.

Q5. What is Georgia Carroll’s most famous movie?
A5. Georgia Carroll’s most famous movie is ‘The Unfinished Dance’.

Q6. Is Georgia Carroll still alive?
A6. No, Georgia Carroll passed away on November 14, 2011, at the age of 91.

Q7. What is Georgia Carroll’s contribution to the music industry?
A7. Georgia Carroll’s contribution to the music industry includes several hit songs recorded with the Kay Kyser Orchestra and her extraordinary talent as a singer.

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Georgia Carroll’s life was a rollercoaster filled with amazing highs and difficult lows. Her extraordinary talent as a singer and actor brought joy to millions of people worldwide, and her legacy continues to inspire the new generation of artists. As history continues to unfold, Georgia Carroll will remain an icon, revered for her talent, beauty, and contribution to the entertainment industry. If you are a fan of old-school jazz and Hollywood glamour, be sure to listen to Georgia Carroll’s music and watch her performances in movies and TV shows. You will not be disappointed.

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